UCU branches will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day.



UCU is awarding $1,000 scholarships to nine college students this year to further their education in Maine!

*Terms and eligibility requirements apply.

Tell Your Friends

Start sharing everything you love about UCU with your friends and family and you could earn up to $500 per calendar year!*

*Terms and conditions apply.


View your credit score daily along with Score Rating, Payment History, Credit Usage, and more with SavvyMoney.

All within UCU Digital Banking!


Online Security Info

Learn how you can stay safe online, be aware of scams, and be your own best defense in protecting yourself from fraud, before it happens.

First Time Home Buyer Course

Learn everything you need to know about the home buying process with our popular HoMEworks course. Classes fill up quickly, so sign up today!

Education Loans

Whether you are graduating college or just starting out, UCU has education loan options to fit every need. Consolidate debt or find a loan to fill the gap between traditional funding, just ask our team for details!